Category: Business

How to get Deduct 100% of Your Employee Recreation and PartiesĀ 
The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), what it means for your business
Thinking of starting a new business? The time is now!
SEP IRA vs Solo 401(k): Which Should You Choose?
You must choose one: PPP or Employee Retention Credit? Not any more!
The SBA making Loan payment for you? Could it be?
Who Qualifies the new round of PPP money?

Who Qualifies the new round of PPP money?

Is it you? Is it me? Could be! If

No 1099, No Deductions?

No 1099, No Deductions?

This is something we have been asked recently, especially

New PPP Forgiveness Rules for Past, Current, and New PPP Money

New PPP Forgiveness Rules for Past, Current, and New PPP Money

The new Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) law enacted with

The Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020 (What you really need to know!)