Category: Employee

One task jobs verses Salary. How to help yourself and your child save on taxes.
Modified: How to save money as a S-corp!

Modified: How to save money as a S-corp!

Remember  10 Schedule C Tax Strategies: Welp, this is

11th hour series- Tax strategies for the spouse and kids
11th Hours Series- Employee retention credit in the 4th quarter
Retirement and Tax credit you can take advantage of!

Retirement and Tax credit you can take advantage of!

Year-End Retirement Deductions  The clock continues to tick. Your

Year Round Techniques to avoid IRS Audits
Facing and IRS? Here is what you need to know

Facing and IRS? Here is what you need to know

IRS Audit Technique Are Helpful Business Resources  As a

How to get a tax credit for being vaccinated!

How to get a tax credit for being vaccinated!

Vaccinated? Claim Tax Credits for Your Employees and Yourself 

Self-Employed have you thought about your retirement lately?
New Self Employment Tax Base and How to Make it work for you!